August 2 - 9, 2011

Nouvelle Kahnawaké, La

Tuesday, August 2 - 7:00 pm
Wednesday, August 3 - 6:00 pm
Friday, August 5 - 7:00 pm
France/Québec |
2010 |
French, English OV
/ English, French ST
| 42m
Patrick Bernier, Olive Martin

The Kahnawake Mohawk reserve is a significant historic place in North America, and during the last decade it has been enhanced by a virtual extension that made it a pioneer and key player in online games in the world. La Nouvelle Kahnawake, between fiction and documentary, explores the space created by new information technologies, depicts the epic struggles to hold onto this virtual territory and seek to understand the transformations that the figure of the Indian has undergone in gearing up for virtual battle somewhere beyond reality.