Las Nin~as Quispe

Les Soeurs Quispe
Sunday, August 2 2015 - 6:30 pm
Chile / Argentina / France
spanish OV
/ french ST
Fiction / 80 minutes
Sebastian Sepulveda


Cast : Digna Quispe, Catalina Saavedra, Francisca Gavilán, Alfredo Castro, Segundo Araya
Scriptwriter : Sebastian Sepulveda, based on Ruth Quispe's biography
Image : Inti Briones


Superbly filmed in the Chilean Altiplano, and recipient of a photography award in Venice, this film takes a peasant drama, based on a real incident, to the incandescent height worthy of classical tragedy. An edict from Pinochet has banned herding, depriving of their livelihood three sisters who live in autarchy in grandiose, stark surroundings. They must face their destiny.


Producer(s) :

Juan de Dios Larrain

Production house or group : Fábula