Sylvain Rivard’s background in theatre, dance and song has made him an essential guide for people seeking a better understanding of the many facets of First Nations culture. Rivard’s linguistic skills have enabled him to recast traditional chants with respect and an ear for accuracy. We can say that Rivard has his tonic accents in the right place. This constant concern for fidelity — down to the smallest details — towards the works he is committed to sharing with others makes him an invaluable resource for schools, museums, publishers and producers of films and television series.
Sylvain Rivard co-wrote Archéologie sonore Chants amérindiens, with Cécile Tremblay-Matte. He was a consultant with the Museum in Natural History in Lyon to help them showcase their First Peoples’ artefacts collection.

Danse indienne (Indian dance)
Sylvain Rivard, 2001
Felt on onionskin paper 3 x 6″
A farandole of Iroquois characters. The tail-end character has fallen to the ground. They are all dressed in 19th-century style.

Femme micmac (Micmac woman)
Sylvain Rivard, 2005
Felt markers on cardboard, 8 x 11″
A standing woman dressed in a conical headdress, a short coat, a skirt, chaps and moccasins. The hues are fluorescent green and yellow on a brown cardboard background.

La borgnesse (One-eyed woman)
Sylvain Rivard, 2005
Pencils on paper, 2 x 2″
Miniature portrait of an old, one-eyed Iroquois woman carrying a portage strap on her forehead, with her hair parted in the middle and swept back.

Le vieux sauvage (Old indian)
Sylvain Rivard, 2006
Acrylic, beads and embroidery on canvas, 8 x 10″
An old man walking and carrying an ornate bag in his right hand. He is bundled into a blue and black blanket. He is wearing red beaded mitasses, moccasins and a leather headband on his long grey hair. He is surrounded by glass beads and greenery.

Mskikiawikhigan (Herbarium)
Sylvain Rivard, 2005
Artist’s book, 30 x 15″
Assembly, bark, beeches ash wood, sweetgrass, beads and handmade paper
The book’s cover is made of a piece of birchbark. Its edges are made from sweetgrass and white beads. The book’s title is engraved with pyrography. The pages are handmade papers, incrusted with plants.
“An ethno-botanical herbarium based on plants used by the Wabanakiak nations. The pages will be made with recycled paper incrusted with plants such as corn leaves, sunflower petals, pine needles and threeleaf goldthread roots”
Short lexicon on plants and herbs
Mskikiawikhigan, Herbarium
Wz8bamegwad, useful plants: Maskwa, birch, Wlimskiko, sweetgrass, Az8snaskw, cattail, 8gmakw, ash.
Mijow8gan, food plants: Kizosk8gan, sunflower, Mskikwimens, strawberry, Skamon, corn (maize).
Wdam8w8gan, fumigatory plants: Wdam8, tobacco, Mkwakw, red-osier dogwood.
Nbizon, medicinal plants: M8skwaswaskw, sweet flag, Jabak, Labrador tea, Wijowapapk8s, threeleaf goldthread, Skasawan, sage, M8l8dagw, cedar, Koa, white pine.
Majinbizon, poisonous plants: Kaskim8kask, blue flag.
This Ethnobiological herbarium follows up on an educational activity in a school on plants Native people used. The students took part in making the paper

Masque (Mask)
Sylvain Rivard, 2001
Sunflower seeds and corn leaves 6 X 12″
Face entirely made from sunflower seeds glued onto a plastic mould. Corn leaves are glued on the upper edging.

Mocassin penobscot (Penobscot mocassin)
Sylvain Rivard, 2005
Felt pen and pencils on paper, 8 x 11″
Technical illustration depicting a natural leather moccasin gathered at the toe with a deep purple upper decorated with a red ribbon and embroidered with a translucent floral motif.

Mocassin seneca (Seneca mocassin)
Sylvain Rivard, 2005
Felt pen and pencils on paper, 8 x 11″
Technical illustration depicting a natural leather moccasin with a single seam on the top of the foot. It is embroidered with porcupine quills, coloured green, yellow and orange on the seam on the top of the foot and the cuffs.

Nisal mjej8kol (Two spirits)
Sylvain Rivard, 2005
Pencil and beads embroidered on canvas, 10 x 15″
Character with angular features in ochre tones on a double-curved horned motif. The piece is bordered with a red bias ribbon and white glass beads.

San8ba ta phanem (Homme et femme)
Sylvain Rivard, 2005
Pencil and beads embroidered on canvas, 10 x 15″
Characters with angular features holding hands beneath a double-curved horned motif. The piece is bordered with a blue bias ribbon and white glass beads.